Thursday, August 26, 2010


Yesterday, I officially decided to cancel the October LSAT I had signed up for and take a year off of school once I graduate. Today, I ran around Berkeley running errands and writing my speech for my not-so-little brother's Bar Mitzvah. Tomorrow, I start my senior year of college.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

no sense of time.

Photo on 2010-08-04 at 15.08

star wars

So much has happened...RA training is done and over with and I'm five days away from beginning my senior year of college. I've finally done an original trilogy Star Wars marathon and I'm almost done with Scorsese on Scorsese. I'm working on my speech for my little brother's Bar Mitzvah (which is less than a week away) and prepping work for my DeCal. I've made a bajillion new friends while managing to feel lonely, and I continue to realize that I have no idea what I want to do with my life.

Growing up is fun, isn't it?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

i've forgotten what it feels like to feel normal.

door dec~

I have many, many pictures to post and I'll do so in due time, but for now, here's one of the door decorations/name tags I made for my residents :)

It's been awhile since I've updated, and with good reason! I got back from LA, enjoyed my last week of summer, and am currently in the midst of R.A. training. It's definitely an intense experience but I'm surrounded by an amazing staff and I'm learning a lot.

Fall is rapidly approaching, and it's terrifying. Two weeks from today I'll be starting my senior year of college and I honestly can't believe it...such a surreal thought. I'm excited, but nervous; I've got a lot on my plate this fall (4 classes, teaching an additional class, RA job, front desk job, and CalTV) so I'm a bit worried, but I also think that having so much will help me force me to focus. We'll see! I'm optimistic.